11 марта профессор Джоанна Дрюкер представила доклад “Critical Approaches to Capta” — будут рассмотрены современные подходы к гуманитарным данным, изменения в понимании „капты“ (самостоятельно собранных данных) и возможности датафицированных гуманитарных исследований.
Аннотация доклада Джоанны Дрюкер “Critical Approaches to Capta”:
A decade after my suggestion that the concept of “capta” be used in humanities research, the field of critical “data” studies has continued to expand arguments and insights. I suggest that these parallel discussions might usefully be brought into dialogue. The notion of “data” was never adequate to indicate the interpretative dimensions of sampling, parameterization, and modelling. More recently, the basic epistemological challenges to data have been amplified by attention to bias that reflects political issues and power asymmetries. These are now as much a factor in these discussions as intellectual/epistemological ones. This talk looks at some of the developments informed by feminist data studies and critical race theory to see how they also inform “capta” as a viable concept. The talk proposes a counter-intuitive solution—that it is not possible to eliminate bias in the production of capta/data, and instead, the issue is to create tools that expose the interpretative lifecycles and features embodied in these entities.
Джоанна Дрюкер (Johanna Drucker) — профессор библиографии департамента информационных исследований Калифорнийского университета в Лос-Анджелесе (UCLA) — предложила понятие capta (капта) для определения самостоятельно собранных гуманитарных данных.
Ведущий семинара «Цифровая среда» DHRI@SFU — Андрей Юрьевич Володин (МГУ/СФУ).
Избранные публикации Джоанны Дрюкер:
- Drucker Johanna. Humanities Approaches to Graphical Display // DHQ. 2011 5.1.
- Johanna Drucker with Anne Burdick, Peter Lunenfeld, Todd Presner, and Jeffrey Schnapp. Digital_Humanities, MIT Press, 2012.
- Drucker Johanna. Visualization and Interpretation: Humanistic Approaches to Display, MIT Press, 2020.
- Drucker Johanna. The Digital Humanities Coursebook. An Introduction to Digital Methods for Research and Scholarship. Routledge, 2021.